
Vidiana Tryartha
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Today is a momentous occasion — it’s the anniversary of my entrance into this world, a day filled with significance and joy. As the world turns, it carves a unique orbit around my existence, encapsulating the essence of who I am. Birthdays, for me, are more than just reminders of the passage of time; they are opportunities for reflection, gratitude, and anticipation. Standing at the threshold of another year in the journey of my life, I find myself compelled to embark on a journey of introspection, acknowledging the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the dreams that continue to shape my existence.

The concept of a birthday is a beautiful reminder of the gift of life and the opportunity to appreciate the moments that shape me. With each passing year, I notice myself evolving, not just physically but also emotionally and intellectually. It’s like a canvas being painted with the vibrant colours of laughter, joy, challenges, and personal achievements that have sculpted the person I am today. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the importance of embracing change. Life is an ever-flowing river, and change is its constant companion. Whether I’m facing new challenges, making tough decisions, or adapting to unexpected turns, each experience adds another layer to the complex tapestry of my life. Birthdays serve as a checkpoint, urging me to assess how well I’ve navigated these currents and what new skills I’ve acquired along the way.

Reflecting on the past 365 days, I am reminded of the challenges I’ve faced and overcome, the joys I’ve savoured, and the relationships I’ve cherished. Life’s journey is an unpredictable adventure, and with each twist and turn, I have discovered resilience within myself. The challenges have been stepping stones, propelling me forward and shaping my character. They have taught me the invaluable lesson that strength is often found in adversity. I know my paths are like a rollercoaster, sometimes filled with highs and lows, but I’m glad I always find myself on each path I choose. I am also grateful for the friends and family who have stood by me, offering support, love, and laughter. Their presence has been a source of strength and comfort, making my journey more meaningful.

A birthday is also an opportunity to set intentions for the coming year. What are my goals? What dreams am I determined to turn into reality? Birthdays serve as personal New Year’s Eves, encouraging me to envision the future I desire and take deliberate steps toward those aspirations. It’s a time to reaffirm my commitment to personal growth, learning, and contributing positively to the world around me. As I blow out the candles on my cake, I’m not just making a wish; I’m expressing gratitude for the people who have stood by me through thick and thin.

So, as I celebrate this milestone in my journey, I do so with gratitude for the past, enthusiasm for the present, and anticipation for the future. Happy Birthday to me — an opportunity to honor the person I am today and the incredible potential that lies ahead. May this year bring new adventures, deeper connections, and the continued discovery of the extraordinary within the ordinary. Cheers to another year of growth, learning, and embracing the beautiful chaos of life!

P.S. Sometimes a thank you is not enough, but until I think of a way to fully make it up to you, this will have to do! Thank you so much for all your very kind efforts and words on my birthday. It really was a special one thanks to all of you!

