The Unanswered Whys of Cruelty: Let’s Chat About It

Vidiana Tryartha
3 min readJan 1, 2024



Man, cruelty is like this crazy mystery, right? Ever wonder why people can be so darn cruel without any rhyme or reason? This chat dives into those moments when someone dishes out hurt with no explanation. Picture this: You’re having a great day, sun shining, everything’s perfect, and then boom! Out of nowhere, someone hits you with a wave of cruelty, and you’re left standing there like, “What the heck just happened?” It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Those unanswered “whys” can mess with your head, making you question everything and forcing you to pick up the pieces on your own. This little essay of mine is all about those moments — when cruelty comes knocking, but the reasons behind it remain as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle.

Okay, let’s get real for a sec. Cruelty sucks. It’s like someone tossed a bucket of ice water on your sunny day without any explanation. And the worst part? You’re left standing there, dripping wet, wondering, “Why in the world did that just happen?”

Why are people so mean, though? It’s like they’re dealing with their own mess, and instead of facing it, they throw shade on others. We’re all fighting battles, but some folks turn their struggles into a weapon, and boom, you’re caught in the crossfire.

I’ve been there, desperately wanting to know why someone acted a certain way. But guess what? Understanding their deal doesn’t always make it better. You’re still left with this huge hole of not knowing why. Now, the instinct might be to go all detective and demand answers. But let’s be real; some wounds won’t magically heal with an apology or a “sorry, not sorry” explanation. The why remains this elusive ghost, and closure feels like it’s playing hide-and-seek.

In the aftermath of these unanswered cruelties, it’s tempting to go on a quest for closure. But you know what I’ve learned? Dealing with these unanswered whys is about finding strength in the unknown. What if we embraced the fact that some mysteries are meant to be unsolved? In the absence of answers, we get to paint our own picture of healing and strength.

That’s what I’ve been trying to do — focus on my own growth and healing, even when the ‘why’ remains this big question mark. It’s a journey, you know? Learning to let go of the need for explanations and focusing on turning those experiences into lessons for yourself. Saying, “Yeah, that hurt, but I’m not defined by it. I’m defined by how I rise above it.”

So, while it’s tough dealing with cruelties left hanging without any reasons, I’ve realized that the power to heal and move forward lies within me. In the weird world of unexplained cruelties, we might not ever get all the answers. And you know what? That’s okay. Instead of letting the why drive us nuts, let’s focus on the power we have to write our own stories — the ones where we come out stronger and wiser. The why may be a sneaky little riddle, but our ability to heal and grow? That’s a superpower we’ve always had.

